Friday, November 1, 2013

Belated Halloween

I'm not exactly a fan of Halloween. Frankly, I think it's a creepy holiday and I don't like creepy things. Vampires, witches, ghosts, skeletons, blood... these things are creepy. And they're all very Halloween-y. But that's just my personal feelings on Halloween.

Growing up we didn't celebrate Halloween. We decorated the house for harvest. I only remember dressing up for preschool once. My mom once told me we didn't celebrate or trick-or-treat because it was satan's birthday. Later, she denied ever saying that, but for years that's why I thought we didn't dress up and ask our neighbors for candy. We always had a family night. We'd leave the house and get dinner, maybe a movie, always leaving all our house lights off so no one would come ring the doorbell asking for candy {however, if you've ever been to my parents house the busy road and general creepiness of the woodsy surrounding would probably deter trick-or-treaters :) }. When we realized our friends were getting lots of candy on Halloween night and felt like we were missing out, my mom started buying us a bag of whatever candy we wanted. Then we had the best of both worlds... candy we liked & helping our friends eat their candy.

I don't feel like I missed out growing up. And I've rather enjoyed being overseas the past two years and not being surrounded by all the creepiness {if you don't count the voodoo culture we live in now!}. I know my mom had her own convictions about the day. I wish I could talk to her about them now. I'm not sure how I feel about it as a whole. However, when BB sends Chandler a cute little fairy costume, she MUST dress up. And she did look pretty dang cute. We dressed her up to leave the house for our French class and to go to the grocery store. There's not many fall festivals here :) She got ooed and ahhed over by everyone. It was fun! And she enjoyed some apple cinnamon puffs for the first time. I guess you can say that was her treat ;) Thanks for the costume, BB!

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