Friday, January 18, 2013

opening my mouth

It's amazing what happens when we open our mouths. And it's sad that the Lord has to constantly remind me of what He will do will I'm obedient in opening my mouth. In scripture, He has called us to go and tell the world what He has done in our lives. He didn't tell us to go and make friendships with the people you'll meet. He knows that will happen. He didn't tell us to go and give them suggestions on how they can have a better life here on earth, teaching them "American ways." He didn't tell us to go and learn the language so that you can buy veggies in the market. He told us to go and tell, because there are people who have never heard the truth about Me.

While in Ghana in November during our training, we had a night time assignment. Part of the assignment was to see what the village was like during the evening hours... who was out and about, what you could buy, who you could talk to, etc. We were also challenged to share our testimony or Bible stories with people we met along the way. I went out that night with 2 other ladies and a translator. We first went to a house and another lady shared her testimony with the women in the compound. They were all very encouraged by her testimony and shared how they have chosen to follow the Lord. We asked how we could pray for them and did just that. And I enjoyed listening to Trisha share her testimony and learned ways to share mine more clearly.

We left and walked to a busy part of town, the "car park." This is where people can catch a taxi or bus to other parts of the country. They come in and rest for the night. There are women out cooking and selling food to the passer-throughs. We found a group of ladies and I asked if I could share a story with them. I began to share my testimony and shared how because of Christ I can be connected with God again. There were several women around, but I noticed 3 that were listening very intently. Now, let me just say I've shared my testimony a lot in my life. I've been a follower of Jesus for almost 20 years now and He's given me lots of opportunities to share. The next thing that happened should NOT have taken me by surprise, but it did. At the end of sharing my personal story, I asked if they had any questions. One of the three ladies asked, "How do I follow Jesus?" And here again, I'm amazed by Him. Along with the translator we walked through what it means to be a follower of Jesus. They asked some more questions and said they wanted to follow Him that night. We talked about it being a lifetime commitment and a change of their heart. At this point, one woman got upset and said she wanted nothing to do with this and left. That night I led them in a prayer to follow Christ. Only the Lord knows who made a true commitment to Him in that moment. I think about those women often, praying for the the ones who just listened to my story that the Lord will continue to bring it up in their minds. And I think about those 3 women who were listening so intently and had questions. I pray that the commitment they made that night was genuine and that one day I will see their faces in Heaven.

Like I said earlier, I've opened my mouth and shared my testimony many times before. And most of those times no one has responded, but He reminded me that evening that it's only my responsibility to speak. He'll do the rest. What a burden lifted. I cannot save anyone. I can only share about what He's done in my life.

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