Saturday, July 20, 2013


We had a wonderful time at our meeting in Kenya. First, the weather was amazing. When we were in Burkina Faso last year it was incredibly HOT and I promised myself I would never complain about being cold again. Now, I don't like cold weather... at all. I'd rather be in a hot climate... but when it's sooooo hot, you make promises that you intend to keep. The retreat center we were at in Kenya is in the mountains. So while the weather off the mountain is  decent (70s-80s) on the mountain it's much cooler (60s-70s). It was funny at night. There are no heaters so we slept bundled up and had to wrap Chandler up too! During the day it was nice to wear a jacket for once in Africa!

We spent most of our time in meetings that focused on refreshing us. We talked about having a passion for our ministry and the people around us. We had other meetings that talked about ways to help our ministry. One of the organizations that can come alongside and help us is Baptist Global Response (you should check them out!). It's great to trade ideas with others in ministry and hear stories of how the Lord is working around West Africa and the world.

We had one day off and we decided to take a taxi into Nairobi. We went to the mall. This was an exciting day, since there aren't any malls in Benin. There's like 10 in Nairobi. We ate lunch at a restaurant comparable to Panera Bread. We walked into this 3 story mall and found a touch screen map. We were astonished. Trey went and saw a movie in the nice movie theater (the new Superman movie) with another friend and me and a friend went shopping at the Maasai artisan market that sets up in the parking garage. My best purchase from the day is a Christmas ornament made of banana leaves of Santa riding a camel. Awesome. We ended the day at a Brazilian steak house that serves "exotic" meats. Due to newer laws in Kenya, they are no longer allowed to serve zebra, giraffe, and things like that. However, we ate lots of beef, chicken, lamb, sausages, pork, etc. It was all you can eat and absolutely delicious. We really enjoyed our trip to Kenya, but were thankful to get back home and get our house set up!

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