Friday, January 17, 2014

Chandler Renee - 8 months

I'm playing catch up and finally posting Chandler's monthly update. Sometimes 2 months can seem like such a short time, but when I try to think back to what Chandler was doing just two months ago, it seems like a lifetime! Time really does go faster the older you get. Enjoy it while you're young, kids.

Chandler turned 8 months on November 13th. After having some... well, we'll call it "tummy issues, " for at least 2 months, we finally solved the problem. However, those issues never slowed her down. She continued to get into EVERYTHING! I know, people always tell you that, but until you experience it, you can't understand. Not to mention, it blows my mind how she can find the smallest speck of something on the ground, pick it up, and put it in her mouth... but then give food a dirty look. ha! This month she got better and better at pulling up on things. She began to stand alone for a few seconds, but not often. She still only had 1 tooth at 8 months... our little "One-Tooth-Wonder."

We were finally able to get her room ready for her to sleep in. After all of our traveling, unpacking, and flat out busyness, she moved into her own room. With that came sleeping through the night again!! We were thrilled for this. She hadn't done that since we came to Africa, when she was an incredible sleeper before. We also got her on a good bedtime routine, that I think helped with her sleep.

This month Chandler went to Ganvie for the second time. She did great when we went into a local family's home... for a minute. Then when she was fussy, she wanted our tour guide to hold her. She really liked him. She also experienced her first solar eclipse... sort of. She wore sunglasses and a hat while we tried to look at it with makeshift glasses. She also traveled to Bohicon (a little further north in Benin) for the first time and did her first photo bomb. And how can I forget her first Halloween. Even though we had no where to trick-or-treat, we dressed her up and went to the expat grocery store :)

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