Friday, January 17, 2014

Chandler Renee - 9 months

Chandler turned 9 months right after we got back to the states for vacation. This meant I was a really bad mom and I didn't get her official 9 month pictures, but of course, I have plenty of other pictures.

This month Chandler celebrated her first Thanksgiving!! We were supposed to get together with some other American's at our supervisors house, but after Barbara battling with sickness, we weren't able to. We decided to accept an invitation to attend a dinner at the American Ambassador's house! I mean, can't say we've done that before. They had really good meat, which is hard to find here. Ham & turkey. However, Chandler only had veggies I brought from home. Sorry, kid. She enjoyed it, though! There was so much going on and so many other kids to watch. We also visited our house-helper's home. She was great with his daughters (he has 8!), and really loved the oldest. 

The best part about this month was that Chandler decided to take a bottle!!!! I have no idea why all of the sudden. We had been leaving a sippy cup with our babysitter while we went to language. She wouldn't usually drink much from it, but it was enough to keep her happy/distracted after she got up from her nap until I got home. One day I was fixing the sippy cup, gave it to her, and the "no-leak" cup started leaking. Her other cup was dirty and she was screaming for it. I quickly put it in a bottle thinking it's worth a shot... she downed it!! This made things so much easier. The babysitter began giving her a bottle every day and we gave her one in the morning as well. It had to be a God thing. Her taking a bottle meant we could have some free time and her grandparents could watch her whenever they wanted while we were home. 

This month our One-Tooth-Wonder lives on! Rigo, our house-helper, keeps saying she's saving the second for America. She decided to grow attached to a particular toy this month. She doesn't drag it around with her, but it comforts her when she's sleepy and fussy. She can be upset and you pick her up trying to calm her down, and that works, sort of. But if you pick her up and give her the bunny, she's silent :) This helped on our trip home! Bunny helped her stay calm for most of the trip. She began cheering on her Noles this month & playing ball with daddy. I think he's pretty happy about both of these things! The biggest thing that happened this month was traveling to America. She hadn't done that trip since she was 2.5 months old! It was very different this time, but all-in-all we can't complain. We've got a very flexible baby.

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