Friday, April 11, 2014

Guest Blogger: Most Challenging Trip EVER

After our recent team from Hiland Park I asked if anyone would like to share about their experience. Sally quickly volunteered. She was wonderful to have here. She was extremely challenged on her trip.. well, I'll let her share more about it.

"I have been on many many mission trips, and this adventure to Africa was by far the most intense trip that I have ever been on, in every aspect one could imagine. One would think that after being on so many trips that you could handle most anything and be prepared for whatever happens. God really challenged me on several levels. One thing He challenged me in is my knowledge of scripture. Yes, I read the Bible all the time, and have to read over and over sometimes due to my retention challenges. But this trip challenged how well I know the Bible.
Passing out stickers at church
I love the fact that we were able to tell actual Bible stories to people who either did not know how to read or did not own a Bible. How very cool it was to go to each village, introduce ourselves, get to know a little about each family, and then ask to share a story from the Bible. After that, a comfortable environment was created and we were able to share the gospel. Because we showed interest in the people we were talking to, we gained their trust. We were able to explain who Jesus really is - that He was a real person, like you and me - and that we can have eternal hope forever. To know that death is not the end, but only the beginning. There were some people that understood what we shared, but did not want to change their lives. There were some people that didn't want to hear what we had to say. And there were several who made life-changing decisions to follow Christ.
I believe that I have been plated on this earth to tell all who will listen to me about Jesus. I absolutely love traveling to other countries, other cultures, sharing who Jesus is, because wherever you are Jesus is the same. He takes us just as we are. How great is that?
Even though Benin was my most challenging trip so far, I would not have changed one thing. Everything that happened or did not happy was absolutely in God's design. I learned many lessons on this trip: to pray more, to read more, how I can apply storying in the states, to continue to pray for my new African friends who have so many needs, to continue to pray for the Fondren's, and lastly, how I can continue to further the Kingdom for His glory. I am so honored to have been a part of this team and this trip. As long as I am breathing on this earth, I will continue to have a passion to bring Jesus to people wherever God places me."

Sally helped Kristen lead a women's conference
studying the book of Esther

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