When we found out we were pregnant, I could not wait to find out what we were having. Trey would be ok with not finding out, but I'm a planner and at least with this child, I want to know. Almost immediately I began searching online for ways to tell when you're having. We began discussing names for boy or girl. It's been easy to decide on a girl's name, not so much for a boy's name. Anyway, I decided for fun that I'd make a post about old wives' tales for gender & give you my personal results before letting you know the official word from the doctor :) So, I did a google search and found 10 wives' tales to test. (and no, this picture is not me - simply another google find.)
Sweet or Salty
Supposedly cravings can determine the gender. They say craving sweets & it's a girl. Craving salty (or sour, which I'm not sure those two tastes even go together) it's a boy.
Results: I could basically open our salt shaker and drink it. Anything sweet I eat has to be followed by something salty. However, I have had a random craving for chocolate milk, but that's probably because it's just not that easy to get here. Anyway, salty cravings would indicate a boy.
Baby's Heartbeat
They say 140+ beats is a girl, and below 140 beats is a boy.
Results: We've ranged from 140-160 bpm. This would indicate a
Shape of Belly
They say you can tell gender by the way the mother is carrying. If you're carrying high and it's shaped like a watermelon, it's a girl. If you're carrying low and it's like a basketball, it's a boy.
Results: Well, since I'm not exactly showing very much, this one is hard. However, I do feel that I'm carrying low, but that could change easily. For the fun of this post, we'll give this one to the boys.
Chinese Birth Chart
Basically, you can go to this
website and fill in the information. They'll tell you the gender prediction according to the Chinese calendar.
Results: The Chinese say it's a
Mayan's Prediction (of course we have to get cultural here.. first Chinese, now Mayan)
The Mayan's based gender prediction on the mother's age at conception & the year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl. If they are opposite, one even one odd, it's a boy.
Results: The Mayan's say it's a girl.
Side You Rest On
If you tend to lay on your left side to rest, it's a boy. Right side, it's a girl.
Results: Typically I lay on my left side. I can prove this because I wake up in the morning with my left ear feeling bruised. I guess I have a heavy head :) This vote is
Morning Sickness
They say if you have an easy pregnancy with not much nausea, it's a boy. If you're really sick with lots of morning sickness, a girl.
Results: I'm in my second trimester and total threw up twice (TMI, I know). Talking to my doctor about the pregnancy he said, "It seems like you're having an easy pregnancy." I feel the same way, since I know people who've been much more sick than me. I also know people who have had the opposite of this wives' tale, however, according to this, it's a
Yes, no one really likes to talk about it or deal with it, but hormones can bring it out. The old wives' tale says that if the mother is breaking out, the baby girl is stealing her beauty.
Results: I seriously have never had acne this bad. It's horrible. So, if this child is stealing my beauty, it better be beautiful :) This would indicate a girl.
If you're having headaches during pregnancy, you're carrying a boy.
Results: I've definitely had some headaches. A couple have knocked me out for the day. This indicates a boy.
Baby Names
Supposedly if you can only agree on a name for either a boy or a girl, that's what you're having.
Results: Like I said at the beginning, we can only agree on a girl's name. In fact, we have several girl's names we like and agree on, even for future children, but this boy name is killer. I guess this means a
So, according to these "tests" it's 50/50 :) I guess we will just have to wait and see!