Sunday, April 8, 2012

10 things learned our first week in Canada

Author: Kristen

1. You have to rent shopping carts.
2. Always carry reusable shopping bags or pay 5 cents a bag.
3. It's probably going to rain on you when carrying 8 bags of groceries.
4. Our neighbors love their Spanish & Hungarian music, and cooking their ethnic food.
5. Canadians love their hockey.
6. A Looney is $1 and a Tooney is $2.
7. In the states, bigger is better when buying in bulk. Here, the easier to carry the better.
8. Recycling is a must.
9. Take your shoes off when entering a house/apartment.
10. Canadians want you to enjoy your time in their country.

We've had quite a time learning all of these. Some of the things seem like no big deal, and they aren't... just different. As much as there is alike, there are still differences that take some time to get used to. Soon we'll have some pictures & videos up for you to enjoy. Now, I'm going to go watch some Vancouver Canucks Hockey with Trey.

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